2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
You may be asking, why does the poker year end on August 31 each year. The answer goes back to 1987. One night as we played poker, we decided to keep track of who won each game. That day was at the beginning of September. We determined at that point the poker season would begin September 01 and end August 31. That format has stuck all these years. Now we call it the "poker fiscal year". We eventually took our stats one step further to include how much money each player won or lost.
Final Results
The final results are in for the 2023-2024
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Greg finishes his dismal poker season well below his typical average and ends the season
at the bottom on the list in the money total.
Rich has a excellent season playing far above his career average and ends the season at the top of the list for most money won.
Ray ends the season slightly below his career average and with a meager positive money total
Sherry finishes the season far above her career win percentage, but finds herself near the bottom
of the money list with a negative total.
Dustin ends just above his career poker average and plays falls just below the zero mark in money loss.
Kevin joins us for one night of poker and has a big night in both average and money total.
Jennifer joins us for one night of poker and has a less than stellar poker average, but ended with only a few dollars lost.
Final Results
The final results are in for the 2022-2023
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
This Poker Season only presented a few opportunities for poker nights. Finding four players for any given night was a challenge as schedules never seemed to match up.
Greg finishes the poker season far above his typical average, but ends the season in the negative for money total.
Rich plays right at his career average, but ends the season at the bottom of the list for most money lost.
Ray was smoking hot as his average was far above normal and led the pack with the most money won.
Sherry has a very normal season with her win percentage and ends with a positive money total.
Kevin joins us for a couple nights and finishes the poker season with a positive money total.
Dustin joins us for one night of poker and falls just below the zero mark in money loss.
Final Results
The final results are in for the 2021-2022
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
The Covid Pandemic and the lack of schedules matching up for poker nights accounted for less nights played than a normal year.
When we did get the opportunity to play, this is the Summary for the Season.
Greg finishes the poker season in the middle of the averages, but brings up the bottom of the money total.
Rich found his average well below his typical average, but ended the season with the second best money total.
Ray ends the season slightly below his typical average, but managed to stay in the positive on the money list.
Sherry finishes the poker season with a respectable average, but falls just in the negative for the money total.
Kevin finishes the poker season with the second highest poker average and finishes at the top of the money total.
Dustin has an off year as he sits at the bottom of the average chart and near the bottom of the money totals for the year.
Wes finishes the poker season with the highest poker average and finishes with a positive number in the money.
Jon finishes the year at the with one of the highest averages, but in the negative in the money column.
Kerry in his one appearance, finishes the poker season in the middle of the average totals and finishes just below zero in the money.
Final Results
The final results are in for the 2020-2021
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Due to the Covid Pandemic, Poker Events this season were very sparse.
When we did get the opportunity to play, this is the Summary for the Season.
Jon finishes the year at the with the highest average and finished second in the money column.
Greg, Ray, and Rich finished the season with nearly the same average while Rich controlled the money leadership with Ray at the bottom of the money list. Greg's money total was just above zero on the positive side.
Sherry finishes the poker season well below her typical average with a finish in the negative in the money total.
Wes finishes the poker season in the middle of the poker average pack and finishes with a positive number in the money.
Dustin and Steve in their only appearance this season fell well below their career average and both finished in negative numbers in the money column.
September 01, 2019 - August 31, 2020
Final Results
The final results are in for the 2019-2020
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Jon finishes the year at the bottom of the money column, but had a very respectable average.
Greg finishes at the top of the money total on the year and had played near his career average.
Sherry finishes the poker season well below her typical average, but finished in the positive in the money column.
Wes finishes the poker season with the best poker average and third in the money.
Ray finishes the season near in the upper half in both and money and average.
Rich finishes in the middle of the pack with his average, but ends second to last in money loss.
Dustin finishes in second place in average and just below the zero mark in the money column.
We were glad to have Brian Whyers and Kevin Kohler join us as well at the poker table this year.
September 01, 2018 - August 31, 2019
Final Results
The final results are in for the 2018-2019
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Jon finishes the year at the top of the leader board in both average and money.
Greg finishes at the bottom of the money total on the year and had played a bit below his career average.
Sherry finishes the poker season second in average, but second to last in the money column.
Wes finishes the poker season near his normal career average and finishes with a negative money total.
Ray ends the season near the top in third place in average and ranks number two in the money column.
Rich once again started the season slow, but pulls his average up to the norm and ends the season in money just above the zero mark.
Dustin played a bit below his career average, but finished slightly in the positive in the money column.
We were glad to have Brian Whyers and Kevin Kohler join us as well at the poker table this year.
September 01, 2017 - August 31, 2018
Final Results
The final results are in for the 2017-2018
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Greg finishes with a negative money total on the year and had played well below his average wins as well.
Sherry, in her limited appearances, finishes the poker season with an above average season and finished second in the money column.
Wes, with his consistent play, finishes the poker season above his normal career average and finishes with a positive money total.
Jon was smokin' hot as he finishes with a poker average 30 points higher than the next in line and ends with a positive money total as well.
Ray's play was extremely hot as he ends the poker season in second place in average and holds the top spot in the money column.
Rich had a slow start, but brought his average up to the norm, but ended the season in the negative just below the zero mark.
Dustin play was cold this poker season as he played well below his career average and finished at the bottom in the money column.
We were glad to have Steve Hake, Matt Schuler, and Chuck Springli join us as well at the poker table this year.
September 01, 2016 - August 31, 2017
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2016-2017
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Greg finishes at the top of the money column on the year and had a very respectable average as well.
Sherry, in her limited appearances, came in with a slightly below her average season and finished in the loss column for money this season.
Wes played very consistent this year staying near his normal career average and finishing near the even mark in money.
Jon played above his career average this year and finished in positive money.
Ray's average was above his career total and he ended just a bit under the break even mark in money.
Rich had another solid year leading the players in poker average, but ended the season at the bottom of the money column.
Dustin, in a few appearances this season, played near his career average, but ended the season second from the bottom in money.
We were glad to have Steve Hake join us as well at the poker table a few times this year.
September 01, 2015 - August 31, 2016
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2015-2016
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Greg had an above average season and finished on top in the money column on the year.
Sherry, in her limited appearances, finished with the top average this year, but finished in the negative in money lost this season.
Wes played above his career average and and finished just above zero in the money.
Jon played above his career average this year, but finished last in the money thanks to a last day of the poker season big loss at the table.
Greg had an above average season and finished on top in the money column of the poker regulars this year.
Ray's average was above his career total and he ended in second place in money just behind Greg for the year.
Rich had another solid year in poker average, but only thanks to a end of season surge, worked his way out of the bottom of the money lost column finishing again with negative money.
Dustin, in a few appearances this season had just one losing night that contributed to ending the year in the negative for money.
We were glad to have Matt Schuler, Steve Hake, Kerry Hines, and Joe Monnig
join us as well at the poker table this year.
September 01, 2014 - August 31, 2015
Final ResultsMThe final results are in for the 2014-2015
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:
Wes was hot this season as he placed first in the money total and played above his career average.Jon played above his career average in his limited appearances this year and finished in the positive money by a few dollars.
Greg had a pretty average season and finished barely in the negative money on the year.
Ray's average was above his career total and he ended in second place in money just behind Wes for the year.
Rich had another solid year in poker average, but finished last in the money column.
Dustin, in a few appearances this season played a bit below his poker average and ends the year in the negative for money.
Sherry, in her limited appearances, finished near the top in the average this year, but finished in the negative in money lost this season.
We were glad to have Steve Hake, Frank Green, and Kevin Kohler, join us as well at the poker table this year.
September 01, 2013 - August 31, 2014
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2013-2014
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Wes was hot this season as he placed first in the average and above his career average for the year and ended with the third highest money total for the year.Year End Highlights: Jon played above his career average as he ends the season with the second highest poker average, but had the worst money total on the year mostly due to one game the first day of the season.
Greg played slightly above his average and sneaked out a last day money win again Rich who had held the lead all year.
Ray's average was the slightly above his career total and he ended again in the positive money for the year.
Rich had another solid year in poker average and finished second in the money column.
Dustin, in a few appearances this season, had a pretty typical average year. He ends the year in the negative for money.
Sherry was cold this year as she played below her career average and ended second from the bottom in money lost this season.
We were glad to have Matt Schuler, Brian Schuler, Jim Schoeberlien, Steve Hake, and Nick Schuler, join us as well at the poker table this year.
September 01, 2012 - August 31, 2013
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2012-2013
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Greg was hot this season as he played above his career average for the year and ended with the highest money total for the year.Year End Highlights: Jon was red hot as he ends the season with the highest poker average by the regulars and by more than 40 percentage points. He also had a healthy money total.
Wes played slightly above his average and only slightly above the zero mark in money for the season.
Ray's average was the second highest of the regulars and ended a few dollars above the zero mark in money.
Rich had another solid year in poker average, but was stone cold as he finished at the bottom of the money column coming in with a 3 digit loss for the season.
Dustin, in a few appearances this season, had a pretty typical average year and fell only a few dollars in the negative in the money column.
Sherry was cold this year as she played below her career average and ended second from the bottom in money lost this season.
We were glad to have Joshua Sucherman, Jim Hankins, Kevin Kohler and Steve Hake join us for a few scattered appearances.
September 01, 2011 - August 31, 2012
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2011-2012
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Greg played above his career average for the year, but ended just barely in the negative in the money column.Year End Highlights: Wes was hot this season as he finished with a jump of 28 points above his career average and in the positive money for the 5th straight year.
Ray finished above his career average by 23 points, but fell just short of the zero mark in money.
Rich had a strong poker season as he finishes the season 25 points above his career total and finishing 2nd in the average totals. He also finished on the top of the money column on the season.
Jon was red hot as he end the season with a .502 average and leading all poker players this season. He also had a positive money total placing 2nd for the season.
Dustin played 25 points above his career average and played almost right to the zero mark in money fall just short of zero.
Sherry played over 11 points over her career average, but ended the season near the bottom of the money column..
We were glad to have Matt Schuler, Jim Schoeberlein, Kevin Kohler and Steve Hake join us for a few scattered appearances.
September 01, 2010 - August 31, 2011
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2010-2011
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg played slightly below his career average for the year, but ended in the positive for money.Wes was hot this season as he finished the season at the top of the money column. Wes has finished in the positive money for 4 straight years. He also finished 1st among the regulars in the average column as he played 30 points above his career average for the season.
Ray was cold as he had a dismal poker season finishing below his career average and only because of a late season rally, pulls himself back to near the even mark in money.
Rich had a very typical poker season as he finishes last in the money column, but plays above career stats in the average column. As usual, it's either the top or the bottom of the column.
Mike finishes the year a bit above his career average and once again finishes in the negative in the money column before his abrupt exit from the table in mid season.
Jon ends the season in the negative money column as he finishes at the bottom next to Rich. He plays a bit above his career in average.
Dustin plays right at his career average and takes home the second most money on the season.
Sherry, in her scattered appearances was extremely hot as she played over 50 points above her career average. She also ended the season in the positive money column as well.
We were glad to have Kerry, Kevin, and Steve join us for a few scattered appearances.
September 01, 2009 - August 31, 2010
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2009-2010
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg had an above average year as he finishes ahead in money and above his career poker average for the yearWes was hot this season as he remained in the money and the average lead for almost the entire poker year up until the last couple of poker nights. He also played above his career average for the season and ended third in the money total
Ray has an average season as he finishes slightly above his career average and records a winner for the year in the money column.
Rich was hot this season as he finishes first in the money column and in the average column taking the double crown.
Mike was freezing cold as he finishes the year at the bottom of the money column. He was in the bottom spot in money the entire season and remained there by only a few cents as Jon made a run at taking the last spot over at the end of the season. He also played below his career average.
Jon in his first season of poker took the second to last spot in the money total ending as a triple digit loser.
Sherry, in her scattered appearances played right at her average and about even in the money..
We were glad to have Matt, Kerry, Rod, Mike, Kevin, Steve and Zac join us this season for a few scattered appearances.
September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2008-2009
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg had a average year as he finishes at about even in money and slightly below his poker average for the year.Matt had a hot season as his average for the year was way above his career average. Even with that, he was cold in the money total as he finished second to last in money earnings.
Wes was hot season as he took the top money spot for the season. He also played above his career average for the season.
Ray has an average season as he finishes slightly below his career average and records a small positive figure in the money column.
Rich was extremely cold this season as he finishes last in the money column and plays well below his career poker average.
Mike had a strong season as he finishes second in the money column. He also played above his career average.
Sherry, in her limited appearances, was freezing cold as her average was well below her career average. She played pretty even in the money..
We were glad to have Brad, Kerry, Rod, Mike, Kevin and Jim join us this season for a few scattered appearances.
September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2007-2008
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg had a strong year as he finishes in first place with the highest money total. He played slightly above his career average this year..Sherry had a cold season playing way below her career average and finishing in the negative in money.
Wes remained red hot all year as he fell less than one percentage point short of the average winner and landed with a positive money total to end the season.
Ray finishes nearly even in money and slightly above his career totals.
Rich drops below his career average and falls to the last spot in the money column.
Matt leaps to the top of the average total with a strong surge at the end of the year. Even with this surge, Matt still ends the season with a negative money total.
Mike, upon his return to the poker table, plays below his career average and in the negative on money earnings.
Kevin in his limited appearances was freezing cold playing way below his career average and also finished0 negative in the money take home.
We were glad to have Brad, Kerry, Rod, Joe, Dustin, and Brian join us this season for a few scattered appearances.
September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2007
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2006-2007
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg had a solid year as he finishes in second place with a positive money total. He played below his career average this year..Sherry had a good money season placing third and played right at her career average.
Wes plays into regular statis this year at the poker table. He fell a bit in average and was ice cold as he took a big hit in the money this season.
Ray finishes again with a positive money total and played a bit below his career average.
Rich has an extremely hot year. He finishes first in both average and money.
Matt had a losing money total for the year and he cooled off from
his league leading average title of the regulars last year.Perry has an extremely bad year. He finishes last in the money totals for the year and played way below his career average this season. Brrr, super COLD!
Kevin finishes with an average a tad below his career average, but was down in the money column taking a loss for the season.
We were glad to have Brad, Kerry, Rod, Arnie and Jim join us this season for a few scattered appearances.
We also were glad to have Mike, Ben, Chris, Tom, Bryan, Andy and Mike join us as well this year.
September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2006
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2005-2006
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg had a realatively uneventful year. He finished just below the zero mark in money and had a semi rough year in average as well.Sherry was hot this season as she lead all poker players in the money column in her scattered appearances..
Jim played to his average in both money and average for the year.
Ray finishes again with a positive money total, but played below average in his average..
Rich fails to gain the league leading average as he plays below his career average. He also comes in a dismal last place in the money as he was ice cold.
Matt has a hot season as he leads the league in average amongst the regulars. He also maintained a positive money total.
We were glad to have Kevin, Wes, Perry and Ben join us this season for a few scattered appearances.
We also were glad to have Steve, Brian, Brad, Rod, Mike, Jack and Erik join us as well this year.
September 1, 2004 - August 31, 2005
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2004-2005
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg's play this poker season got him playing with positive money all season. He never really got on the roll to rake in the big money. His average was around his career average.Sherry had another below normal season in both average and money in her scattered appearances this season.
Kevin played this season at a fairly consistant pace. Never up or down very much the whole season. Kevin's job kept his appearances very rare at the end of the season.
Ray finishes again with a positive money total, but has only an fair season in average.
Rich was red hot this season and maintained the league leading average for the season amongst the regulars and also controled the top spot in money earnings for the season.
Matt's season ends with a decent average, but was in the negative for his money total in his second season.
Jim's rookie season showed us a convincing average, but also a large amount of money in the negative on the season.Wes ended his season near 400 in average and just below the zero mark in money earnings this season.
We thank Brad, Dustin, Jack L, and Ben for joining us again at our poker table for a few appearances this season.
We also thank the rookies - Jack F., Karl, Robert, Erik, Summer, Brian and Dave on their appearance this season.
September 1, 2003 - August 31, 2004
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2003-2004
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg was hot for most of the poker season playing with positive money all season. Only at the end of the season he cooled slightly, but maintained the money leading crown.Sherry had a below normal season in both average and money.
Kevin cooled off from his money winning rookie season, and for a while, battled for the last place slot in the money.
Ray finishes again with a positive money total, but has only an fair season in average.
Rich continues to maintain a league leading average for the season amongst the regulars and for once, appears in the positive for money as well.
Matt's rookie season ends with a positive money total and a respectable average.
Dustin finishes last in the money in his rookie year all due to one bet in the game "In Between"
Kerry settles for a loss in money this season before his move to Kentucky. We miss you Kerry.
We were glad to have Brad, Tom, Wes, Dave, Jack, Lyle, Ben and Perry join us this season for a few scattered appearances.
September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2003
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2002-2003
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg's poker season was a rollercoaster. He'd be up for a while and then down in the money column. Greg played pretty consistant for his season average.Sherry, finally after several dismal seasons, turned it around this year and posted a winning in the money and increased her average by 30+ points.
Kevin in his second season posted the best money total and was in the hunt for the best average. It certainly was the "Year of Kevin" this season.
Ray finishes again with a positive money total and a 400+ average.
Rich continues to maintain a league leading average for the season, but this season ends with a dismal league leading money loss.
Perry ends the season about even in the money and played near his overall average.
We were glad to have Brad, Wes, Dave, Jack, Scott, Ben and Brian join us this season for a night or two of cards.
September 1, 2001 - August 31, 2002
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2001-2002
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights: Greg's hot poker season of last year was pretty much over this season. He never got in the positive by very much and ended the year below zero in money.Sherry's dismal season of last year continued to this season. She once again finished last in the money.
It was definitely the year of Rich this season as he finished first in the money and first again in the average columns.
Perry also ended the season on a losing streak. Just like last season he would have a scattered good night thrown in and that kept him from being a big loser on the year.
Kerry started the year playing at about even in the money, but made strides at the end of the season to finish second in the money column.
Ray had some very good nights to help him to a positive money finish for the season.
Ben, in his scattered appearances, lost a chuck of money on the season.
Kevin played right around zero for the season and ended the season only 35¢ down.
We were glad to have Dave, Tim, Dan, Darren, Tommy and Brian join us this season for a night of cards.
September 1, 2000 - August 31, 2001
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 2000-2001
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
Year End Highlights:Greg got off to a HOT start. He just could not lose. He did cool off slightly as the year went on but never had any long streak of losing.Sherry had a dismal year. She had a hard time going home a winner any of the poker nights. She never got on any winning streak.
Perry was also on a losing streak most of the year. He would have a scattered good night thrown in and that kept him from being a big loser on the year.
Kerry started the year cold, but made enourmous strides to get back toward the zero mark by playing in his usual conservative way.
Ray and Rich played the entire year pretty much around even. Rich did take wider swings but would always come back toward the zero mark.
Ben, in his scattered appearances, took a little money here and a little money there and ended up a winner on the year.
September 1, 1999 - August 31, 2000
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1999-2000
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1998 - August 31, 1999
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1998-1999
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1997 - August 31, 1998
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1997-1998
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1996 - August 31, 1997
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1996-1997
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1995 - August 31, 1996
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1995-1996
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1994 - August 31, 1995
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1994-1995
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1993 - August 31, 1994
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1993-1994
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1992 - August 31, 1993
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1992-1993
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
September 1, 1991 - August 31, 1992
Final ResultsThe final results are in for the 1991-1992
fiscal poker year. Here are the final results.
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