May 12, 2002
Entire Thies Family
This day began as an afternoon drive up the Mississippi River Road to Pere Marquette Park, north of Grafton, Illinois with my family.  Upon getting to Grafton, the radio alerted me to a severe thunderstorm that had formed about 25 miles to the west heading due east.  We ended up just waiting around for the storm to come to us over the river and hoping for a drive through the core to see hail.  There was no hail, but it sure became an enormous rain event.  Several inches of rain fell within an hour.  It created a flash flood event in downtown Grafton.
Water across the road at the Elementary School
Closer Look at the water at the Elementary School
Fast moving water
Flood waters slamming a parked car
Car washed off into ditch
Street turned into a fast moving waterway
Water covers the road as the storm moves on
More water and debris left on the road

Click on the link below to see video of some of these storms.

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