March 10, 2009      
Southwestern Illinois

Left work after a half day to head home, pick up the equipment and Ryan, take a quick look at the data, pick out a target, and head out of the door.  We headed southeast across the river into Illinois on I-64.  There we would wait for the storms to develop.  Seemed like a plan as we had a reasonable highway grid, reasonable viewing through that area. and an early start.  We traveled until hitting the New Baden, Illinois exit.  Being in a position we thought was pretty decent, we stopped at the McDonalds, had lunch and made use of the wi-fi connection that was available to us there.  We watched, and watched, and watched some more.  Hoping for a bleep on the radar of any decrete cell forming out in front of the broken line back in Missouri, it soon became apparent that was going to be just a dream.  Finally we got a couple cells forming to our north about 20 miles that seemed to take off.  We watched them build quickly on radar as we held tight as we restrained ourselves from jumping too early.  About as fast as they went up, they cells faded away to nothing.  We came to the realization that there was to be no cells forming out in front of the line and began working our way back toward Missouri.  We stopped again at the Shiloh exit to grab the wi-fi connection at the hotel as we met up with St. Louis chaser and friend, Nick Pavlovits.  We examined the radar and looked at some data and radar, made the decision that it was not going to happen today as the daylight began to fade.  We headed back toward home.  On the way back we took the loop around the east side of St. Louis and ran into the squall line as we neared home.  We saw nothing severe, no lightning and a lot of rain in the line.  This day goes down as a BUST in our book.

Playing the Waiting Game.
Small Cell

Waiting for the Squall Line
The Line Passes

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