Today I awoke
to a possibility of severe storms to chase
within a couple of hours from home.
Many of the other local storms chasers were
opting to attend the big St. Louis Blues
Hockey Parade and Celebration downtown, but
my son Ryan and I put our sights on
searching out a tornado.
We left my house around 12:00
noon and picked out an initial target of
Southeastern Illinois. As we neared
Mount Vernon, Illinois, Ryan announces
"Tornado Warning" back near home in Macoupin
County, Illinois. How does that
happen? We drive for hours and the
tornado is in our 'back yard'.
Then we see this on the
road. This is the kind of tornado we
have tended to get in 2019.
When we arrived
at Mount Vernon, Illinois, we stopped for a
late lunch and reviewed the weather data to
solidify our plan. Unfortunately, the
models didn't seem to want to lock a target
down. We had the storm group that
produced the tornado earlier tracking across
Illinois to our north and the model
projections indicating new convection erupting
a bit later just to the south of where we
were. Parameters seemed to indicate the
best tornadic potential was still in Southeast
Illinois into Indiana. As we left lunch,
we made the decision to head north on I-57
toward the now weakened storms heading toward
Effingham, Illinois. Regardless of the
weakening trend, we knew the environment was
better the further east the storms got.
We intercepted the storms as
they approached. There was a velocity
couplet, but no warnings and nothing seemed
real imminent on these storms, so we decided
to just stay out in front of the storm.
We worked our way east on some Illinois State
Roads keeping a 10-20 mile cushion between us
and business part of the storm coming at
us. We figured that would give the storm
time to mature when the environment got
better. We also were taking note of
storms out in front of us by about 30 miles.
As we neared the
Indiana Border, Tornado Warnings began coming
out of the Indiana Storms in front of us,
several with confirmed tornadoes. Being
30 miles behind the closest cell, our attempt
to gain the ground to catch those storms were
impossible due to the storm speed and the road
network. We still had the cell to our
west though. Our thinking was if those
cells are able to tornado in Indiana, when
that storm to our west gets there, it will
tornado too. We kept good position on
the storm coming at us. The storm seemed
to pulse a few times with a better velocity
marker, but never could produce. We
eventually let the storm go by us to look at
the back side of the storm.
We drove and stopped a few times
and got a few more pictures of the cloud
A road closure
eventually forced us south out of the path of
the storm and virtually ended the chance
although the storm never did produce a
tornado. As it was now nearing
nightfall, as a last ditch effort, we hit I-69
northeast toward the storm again and it passed
over us with only a Flash Flood Warning per
the massive amount of rain this storm was now
Time for the trek
home and I was asking myself, 'how did I get
4+ hours away from home?' Another road
closure on the shortest route back to the
Interstate extended the return time even
longer. As we approached St. Louis, we
were greeted with an approaching Squall Line
with a massive amount of lightning bolts to
end our chase.