moved into position to intercept the nice looking
cell as it became severe warned, but to our
amazement as the storm approached, the storm
It became very obvious after
that storm died, we were in the wrong
spot. Further south, storms were on-going
and now were Tornado warned. We made the
decision to head south and attempt to intercept
one of these storms.
As we moved south,
we were treated to a rainbow from the
remnants of the dying storm.
Eventually, we worked our
way in front of a tornadic cell in the east
suburbs of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Darkness was now making viewing much more
difficult as we worked ourselves around to
the business end of the storm. With
some maneuvering through the road system, we
found ourselves right in front of the hook.
It was now
completely dark and visuals were
only possible with the lightning
bolts. Finding unobstructed
views were also at a premium through
the trees and hills. At one
point, a tornado was being reported
firmly on the ground and we found a
spot to view. A couple
lightning bolts gave us a couple
quick glances.